Meet Lehoa

The sustainability solution that boosts your brand

Gift your customers with trees through an interactive and customized digital experience

Create tangible and transparent positive impact with just a few clicks.

Get to know our solution

Sustainability made easy

Promote sustainability in your business by connecting to reforestation projects through our platform.

In your profile, add real trees to your bank and gift them to your customers after completing a purchase.

Uma iniciativa autêntica e transparente

Conquiste confiança com transparência total

Ao presentear seus clientes, eles recebem cartões-presente digitais, que incluem detalhes como foto, geolocalização e espécie das árvores recebidas.

Além disso, nossa plataforma reúne todo o impacto da sua empresa em um perfil público. Assim é fácil para seus clientes visualizarem o impacto que estão ajudando a criar.

An authentic and transparent initiative

Gain trust with total transparency

When you gift your customers, they receive digital tree-gift cards, which include details such as the photo, geolocation, and species of the trees.

Our platform combines your company's metrics into a public profile, making it easy for your customers to see the impact they are helping to create.

Extending your customer journey

Deliver a branded experience

Your public profile and digital tree-gift cards are fully customizable with your company's message and visual identity.

Each tree you gift becomes an extension of your brand, carrying its essence and leaving a lasting impression on your customers' memories and hearts.

Our commitment to your success

Ensuring impact and integrity

círculo verde claro com check de confirmação dentro

Transparency in every tree planted

We ensure the individual identification of each tree, ensuring clarity and accountability.
Learn about our guarantees
círculo verde claro com check de confirmação dentro

Tailored and personal support

We provide close and multidimensional support, guiding your company closely, and offering everything from sustainability education to green marketing strategies.
círculo verde claro com check de confirmação dentro

Certificado e selo de sustentabilidade

Receba nossos recursos para destacar seus esforços sustentáveis, podendo anexa-los em lugares estratégicos para sua marca.
How it works

Simple and intuitive to use

Watch the step-by-step video

número 1 em um círculo verde

Customize the digital experience

by adding your brand's logo, colors, and message.

Connect your e-commerce

and set conditions for the gift (e.g., orders over R$500).

Add trees to your bank

from the project and value that best fits your company - available immediately.
Compatible with all the main platforms

Connect your e-commerce

Launch in May 2024

Join the waiting list

And receive an exclusive discount on your plan!

Your name

Company name

Work email

Phone / WhatsApp (optional)

Obrigada! Entraremos em contato com você quando a plataforma estiver disponível.
Ops! Houve um erro. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde.
Learn more

Your customer's POV

Upon completing their purchases, your customer receives the link to a digital gift card that represents a real tree.

They receive a code to 'unlock' the tree, personalize it with a name, and access all the information about it - including a photo, geolocation, and species.

Your sustainability seal and certificate

Show the world how your company is making a difference 

Highlight your sustainable efforts with our Green Impact Certificate, which certifies and validates your initiative. 

This certifies the positive socio-environmental impact of your company with a QR Code that links to your public profile.

With our Green Impact Seal, you can carry this message to your website, packaging, or other strategic places for your brand.


Frequently Asked Questions 

Everything you need to know to make your decision:
I never invested in sustainability before. Is Lehoa a good choice to start?
Absolutely! Lehoa is perfect for companies taking their first steps in the world of sustainability. We offer an easy-to-implement solution and provide educational guides to help you continue to evolve and increase your company's positive impact.
O investimento na Lehoa vale a pena para o meu negócio?
Try our solution for 14 days at no cost. It's like a test drive for you to assess the impact and decide if it's the right choice for your business. Consider it an investment in your brand and on building a stronger relationship with your customers, short and long-term.
Our team is not very experienced with technology
No stress! Our platform is very intuitive and doesn't require you to be a tech expert to use it. And, of course, we have a full-time support team to ensure you can take full advantage of our solution with total confidence.
How can I be sure that Lehoa isn't greenwashing?
Transparency is a central pillar of Lehoa. We work side by side with trusted NGOs to ensure that your company's impact is well-documented and measurable.Also, we provide all the information about the trees planted so both you and your customers can ensure you are truly making a difference.

Learn more on our Guarantees page.
My company already embodies sustainable business practices. How can Lehoa add value?
Wonderful! With Lehoa, we'll take this to another level. Our solution connects you and your customers in an innovative way, showing in detail the impact your company is creating for the planet and actively involving them in it.

Also, we make it easy to share these good deeds on social media, stimulating spontaneous conversations about your brand, and raising awareness about the importance of sustainability.

Essentially, we help make the good you do even better.

Would you rather talk to us directly?

Book a meeting
About tree planting

Planting trees is revolutionary

In addition to bringing numerous benefits to the planet, planting trees is also a gesture of hope and a solid step toward renewal.  

When companies support reforestation projects, they are doing more than supporting the environment: they are boosting local economies, strengthening communities, and creating a positive legacy that resonates for generations.

Learn more about our commitment
ilustração de mão segurando uma muda de árvore